Conch shell drawing another drawing in progress
You know, I've read quite a bit of articles lately on great blog post titles this, great blog post titles that. And I wonder, how would one apply this to an art blog with regular artworks in progress updates etc? 15 ways I can't think of a blog post title that is supposed to be awesome? 10 ways to waste your time reading articles on writing better titles? Sigh, I dunno.
Anyways, here is the update on the conch shell drawing, and yeah I know my titles are super creative. /cough.
Sorry about the blurry picture. My phone (which took great pictures in the beginning) is now often giving blurry pictures no matter how many times I try. Ok so hopefully you can still sort of tell what it looks like.
I'll be working on prints for this one. With the migraines/headaches I've had the past week or so now, staring at the bright computer screen to see errors in the scan (and fix them), was taking several days. Hopefully will have prints up on this one sometime this week. Stay tuned!
Thanks for reading!