The Construction Zone...
We've had a lot of stuff to take care of around the house, and I've been trying to get my studio work done too.
There has been a whole lot of work around the house lately. To summarize, it has to do with damaged sub flooring in the bathroom which turns into this, which turns into that, which turns into WTF???
It's like one of those zones you go into and you think you cleared it and then you go around the corner and you get attacked by some sneaky mobs...
I wasn't planning on sharing progress pictures from the remodel, but wanted to let you guys and girls know why it's been a bit quiet on the blog and newsletter front.
Continuing on with Artsy News....
As I've mentioned before, I've narrowed the website products to art posters, canvas prints and mugs. This allows me more time to get some work done on the series. For now (and this might just be a temporary addition), we also offer neck gaiters.
It's very hot and humid here the past couple of days and today is no exception.
I'll be working some in the studio later if cool enough, or I might just have to make room at my desk.