Snowy Saturday

Now, I know some people think Swedes might like to talk about weather, but... um yeah it's really snowy today! We got the driveway shoveled here this morning. It is still snowing...

Snowy Day - Kanweienea Kreations

Anyone see the palm trees? I don't see the palm trees.... we so need a change of scenery...

Weekly Prep - Chalkboard - Gunilla Wachtel - Kanweienea Kreations

I started working on my weekly prep yesterday. As usual, I have part of my chalkboard dedicated for little drawings. Still working on the weekly prep, did get some doodles done though! Love pandas!

Have a great day!

Until next blog post,


Gunilla Wachtel ~ Conveying the Beautiful Essence of Animals in Art

Kanweienea Kreations
Artist. Animal lover. Swedish-American.

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