Home Game - Bringing Calm to the Studio Chaos
I was looking through a printed out copy of an article about blogging today. Hubby or I will print out some articles I really want to read. That way I can flip through the paper copy without having to look at a bright computer screen for way too long.
Yeah the video card still needs replaced. Along with other parts of the computer. I'm also not a fan of the ASUS monitors, since the new one we got had issues not long after we got it.
Tuxie - the Cool Ninja Kitty
So, like I said, today I sit at the dinner table with my papers, and my notebooks and I look up and again I see one of the cats jump on the table. Those ninjas won't listen. I said something to her about can you please get off the table... and she looked at me, sat down, and pondered what was going on outside.
It made me pause for a moment, take it easy and I just looked at Tuxie for a bit. After a little bit she laid down and looked at me with super "I love you" eyes (you know that slow blink that cats do).
I thought of going to take a picture of her, but she didn't want to be caught snoozing on the table, so she jumped onto the bench next to it.
In lieu of the table picture, here is another one of her sleeping on a chair. She likes to sleep on this desk chair, which is the one behind my desk. That way she can be close to me, yet get that cat nap in.
With the kids gone back to school, I'm trying to get back into a studio routine. I also have to limit my computer time still.
I really considered just hand-writing blog post drafts... but my hand-writing is nowhere as neat as my drawings can be. Not at this point anyways.
Here is a photo I took of some of my sketchbooks. I'm in the process of starting work on a new series of horse drawings.
So, you might see photos in new posts that were posted before. Just because they fit the post and I love writing my blog posts. I might just not have the opportunity to take a new photo for that post.
In case you are wondering, I'm also planning to work some more on cat sketches.... Tuxie and Blazey have been some awesome studio helpers lately.
The Middle Human or the To Go To Human?
A lot of times here, I'm the animals to go to human (hm, or is it the middle human?). We try to have the kids help with feeding the animals and other animal related chores too, so that they will go to the kids to for help or advice. Nope. What happens is they go tell me, that hey! Tiggy (or Tuxie or whoever) ate most the food! We want MORE!
Yeah I really did say advice didn't I...
Or I will play with them for a while and then try to get them to play with hubby and the kids. It will work for a bit, then the cats take off.... I ask the boys and hubby, I thought you were playing with them? They said, we did... but then they quit playing...
Well we love our animals and if you want I could write some more posts on how I interact with animals. In general though, I'd say just be open to the fact that most animals are super smart. They sense your karma too and can usually tell what kind of person you are. Be yourself, be kind and talk to them.
Some animals will like you talking to them in a higher pitched voice, with a certain tone of voice, but some animals are more like they "Hey, dude. What's up?" kind of animal. It all depends on their personality and experiences.
I would also say to let them approach you at their own pace. Build their trust by just being kind, gentle and knowledgeable.
I hope you enjoyed this post, and if you did, I would appreciate if you would help me spread the word about it. Thanks!
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Gunilla Wachtel ~ Conveying the Beautiful Essence of Animals in Art
Artist. Animal lover. Swedish-American.
To purchase my artwork, view the artwork gallery and any current eBay auctions.