30 Days of Horses - ACEO #1
Initially I wasn't sure about starting a daily project. After some further research I figured it could be good to help with the studio routine.
Since I love horses, I decided to call this project 30 Days of Horses. There were enough ACEO card stock in my art supplies so it made sense to use the ACEO cards for this. Plus, daily projects are recommended to be small sized artworks, so that works out.
Here is the ACEO for day 1. By the way, I'm going to try and stick with the hashtag #30DaysOfHorses for this drawing project.
Perhaps I will change to do this project in the afternoon. I'm usually very tired in the morning already. I have been drinking less caffeine lately, so even more tired...
In the meantime I'm also working on my next drawing, and will post updates on that one weekly. Thanks for following along.
Gunilla Wachtel ~ Conveying the Beautiful Essence of Animals in Art
Kanweienea Kreations
Artist. Animal lover. Swedish-American.
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