A Defining Moment - A Wise and Gentle Horse

There are many defining moments in life, today I wanted to share with you one of mine.

When I was about 4 years old, we went to visit one of my aunts and uncles. They had a small barn and a beautiful chestnut draft horse mare. I think her name was Gullan but I'm not sure. They probably had more horses than that, or at least one other, but that's the horse I remember.

I was standing there, next to my aunt and parents. Her hubby led the horse by us as he was heading to let it out to pasture. I stood there looking up at the horse in awe. She was so pretty!!

Then my aunt goes, hey hun, I think the little girl might want to ride the horse. I remember being like, can I? Can I really? My uncle just lifted me up on the horse and I got to ride it to the pasture while he was holding the horse. No one was holding on to me though. I remember just feeling this inner core of happiness. Sort of I suppose, as if a wave of happy zen just washed over my soul. Riding horses was something I wanted to do for the rest of my life.

I think Gullan was of the "Nordsvensk" breed (North Swedish draft horse). I don't have a picture from then, so I found this picture, via instagram @backforsgard. Great picture and what a beauty this horse is!



Here is another picture showing two North Swedish draft horses. Beautiful horses and awesome photo!

By Henry von Platen - Henry von Platen, CC BY-SA 3.0, Link

My question to you for the day, what is a defining moment in your life, as it pertains to animals?

Enjoy your day!

Gunilla Wachtel ~ Conveying the Beautiful Essence of Animals in Art
Artist. Animal lover. Swedish-American.
Kanweienea Kreations

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