A Shout-Out To The Fabulous Miss Tuxie

You probably know by now that the studio helpers are a great source of inspiration for me. Today I just wanted to give a shout-out to the fabulous Miss Tuxie.

In the Studio

Tuxie The Studio Kitty - Kanweienea Kreations

This is a picture I took of Tuxie the other day. I didn't have the camera ready today to capture her uber epic cuteness.

Honestly, I was not having a very good morning at all today. Let's just say it had to do with teenager attitude in the house. I was not happy at all and went in the studio. Little Miss Tuxie came in to keep me company.

She kept talking to me. Not just body language, or looks. She is one of those cats that "meow-talk" in an extra way to communicate with us (or her stuffed toy, Baby Bunny). Of the family, I'm usually the one she actually meow-talks to the most.

I was not in a very communicative mood, but she would not give up. She kept talking, purring and in general, being very, very cute. After a while I started petting her and talking to her. It took a bit, but soon I felt quite a bit better and my day felt like it was turning around.

Before my husband left for work this morning, he told her to take good care of mommy. And, she certainly did!

A Page from My Sketchbook

Page from the Sketchbook - Gunilla Wachtel

This is a page from my sketchbook showing one of my horse drawings. I've started work on some of those concept sketches I told you about. Little Miss Tuxie loves horses too, so I figured, hey, that fabulous kitty would love for me to add a horse sketch in this post!

For those of you that wonder, the teenager in question later apologized for his behavior, no prompt from me, but perhaps, the Tuxie?

Enjoy your day, 

Kanweienea Kreations
Artist. Animal lover. Swedish-American.

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