Anatomy of a Horse - ACEO Drawing eBay Auction
This ACEO card was part of a daily drawing project I was working on. When I created this ACEO I thought it would be a fun (and useful) idea to create not only a drawing, but a drawing that could teach people about the anatomy of the horse. In case they already knew, they could use the card to help teach others. For a link to my current eBay auctions, just click on the auction link in my signature.
- Title: Daily Drawing 32
- Artist: Gunilla Wachtel
- Size: 2.5 x 3.5 inches
- Medium: Pencil and Ink
- Artist Note: This miniature artwork card was part of a daily drawing project. I thought it would be fun to draw an ACEO showing horse anatomy. This mini art piece is created using graphite pencil and ink.
Copyright: All rights reserved.
What are ACEOs?
ACEO stands for Art Card Editions and Originals. The standard ACEO card size is 2.5 x 3.5 Inches. They are highly collectible works of miniature art. ACEO cards fit nicely inside trading card albums. ACEO cards can be framed individually or several to make an eye-catching collage. ACEO's are just perfect for small gifts, for example along with a gift card.
Good luck and I hope you win!
Gunilla Wachtel ~ Conveying the Beautiful Essence of Animals in Art Artist. Animal lover. Swedish-American.
Kanweienea Kreations
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