Artwork in progress - dog drawing

Here are some updates on the dog drawing I'm working on. There will be some videos on this drawing too. They are scheduled to go live over the next couple of weeks.

I had started trying to do two videos a week, but I might (for now) cut that back to one a week or less.

Time to tackle that blogging schedule again. I've been finding a little more time to draw recently, but I feel that I still need to restructure the whole schedule thing some more. Hope you like how the drawing is coming along. 

Dog drawing artwork in progress pencil art Gunilla Wachtel 

Golden retriever pencil drawing dog art Gunilla Wachtel

artwork in progress - pencil drawing dog art Gunilla Wachtel

artwork in progress pencil dog drawing artist art Gunilla Wachtel

Golden retriever pencil art dog drawing Gunilla Wachtel animal artist 

Originally, I was going to split these pictures up in different blog posts, but I figured eh, let's try and make just one post with these. What do you think? Would you rather see a picture here or there or more at once?

Gunilla Wachtel ~ Conveying the Beautiful Essence of Animals in Art
Artist. Animal lover. Swedish-American.
Kanweienea Kreations

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