New Horse Drawing in Progress

It was mostly an organizing kind of morning today. We got some auctions listed and scheduled as well.

In the Studio

Work in Progress - horse drawing - Gunilla Wachtel

I have been starting some more work on my most recent horse drawing. Just testing out different mats here to check composition and values.

Grey and black mat - artwork in progress - Gunilla Wachtel

I prefer the black and grey mat I think, rather than just white. What do you think?

Featured eBay Auction

eBay Auction ACEO Tiger Shark

ACEO of a tiger shark. Original Pencil drawing. Click here to view auction.

Sharks are interesting animals to draw. They are strong and powerful creatures with streamlined features. This drawing was made using graphite pencils. Surface is Bristol art card.

Random Thoughts and Not so Random Thoughts

We got to go trail riding here again the other day. Yay!!

Kanweienea Kreations out on a trail ride

My wonderful hubby was talking about getting me my own helmet. That would be awesome because the helmet I borrowed this time wasn't exactly a good fit. Close, but not close enough. The time before I found one to borrow that was a perfect fit though.

More pictures in another blog post! 

Enjoy your day!

Gunilla Wachtel ~ Conveying the Beautiful Essence of Animals in Art
Artist. Animal lover. Swedish-American.
Kanweienea Kreations

To purchase my artwork, view the artwork gallery and any current eBay auctions. You can also follow me on eBay to make sure you don't miss any newly listed auctions.

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