On Adjusting One's Strategy

Imagine having a perfect running printer, inks showing up beautifully. The shades of black and white so vibrant they almost literally jump off the page. Yep. That's how our printer used to be.

I think it might have gotten old. Or maybe it just needs a whole new set of inks. For now, I have to use Fine Art America for my main print shop. I must say it looks like a nice site and all, but I prefer to do our own prints. Check out the new print shop if you like. I'd appreciate it.

Art Prints 

Don't you just love the trust and bond you can build with horses? The inspiration for this pencil drawing was built on that very concept.

Gunilla Wachtel
Dynamic animal drawings that deepen and strengthen your connection to animals.
Artist. Animal lover. Swedish-American.
Kanweienea Kreations

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