Release the ACEOs!

The laptop screen reminds me that I should have probably just saved the blog post writing for later indoors. The reflections of the backyard trees is prominent and the display is certainly not really lit.

That being said, it's nice to be able to sit outside and work. Cleo wants company in the backyard and it's, for November in this climate anyways, a nice day.

Release the ACEOs! 

Projects over the past year and more have added up to quite the stack of ACEO cards. We will be listing more of these on the website, and perhaps through the newsletter or blog posts. The point of these small cards is to offer something original at a lower price point. The meaning of them is not (currently anyways) to build scarcity. The point is to release these ACEO cards out into the world and let you make up your mind if you think they should be part of your art collections or not.

Featured ACEO card

Daily Drawing 23 ACEO Pencil Horse Sketch Drawing Gunilla Wachtel

Daily Drawing 23.

The first time I saw a horse I fell in love. The horse was so enchanting, so full of beauty. If I had had a camera (I was about 4 years old), I would have taken a picture! The sun was shining beautifully on that very special day.

Horses inspire me to get my best work done. These majestic and powerful animals are both intelligent and beautiful. I tend to draw horses every day. It might just be a doodle, or in this case, a motion filled ACEO card.

I personally really like these ACEO cards. Although small in size, these cards can sometimes still take deceivingly long to complete. Add to that, for the pencil drawings, and sometimes some of the other ACEO cards too, I take the time to varnish them. This also adds to the creation time of course.

You might be one of the few that come to this blog. That's perfect, because you know, I would rather have a small tribe, then a big tribe that is not so loyal. 

Enjoy your day!

Gunilla Wachtel ~ Conveying the Beautiful Essence of Animals in Art

Artist. Animal lover. Swedish-American.
Kanweienea Kreations

To purchase my artwork, view the artwork gallery and any current eBay auctions. You can also follow me on eBay to make sure you don't miss any newly listed auctions.

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