The Story Behind the ACEO - 30 Days of Horses ACEO 5
Imagine project after project and artwork (or whatever it is) for this project, just adds up. And up. and. Up. That's a little bit how I started feeling about this ACEO project where this card was part of. I honestly can't remember if I ever finished this project or not.
I did share this card, as I do with my other artworks, once it was made but I'm not sure how many actually even saw it. To tell the truth, my following on social media is a little bit like real life. I tend to have a few, good friends and that's fine with me.
I'm outspoken (but I try to be nice). Not everyone appreciates those who tells it like it is. The thing is, I've been like that since as long as I can remembered. It's how I was raised and although at times I've tried to fit in, it just won't work. I am who I am I suppose.
30 days of horses. ACEO 5. Graphite pencil. Gunilla Wachtel. Contact us to make an offer.
This powerful, strong mare was a joy to draw. She does seem like she has a bit of an attitude but still gentle. Reminds me a little bit of myself I suppose, if I was a horse anyways.
Gunilla Wachtel ~ Conveying the Beautiful Essence of Animals in Art
Artist. Animal lover. Swedish-American.
Kanweienea Kreations
Please note: There is no saying how long these art cards may or may not be available. All I can say is, don't delay in making an offer on these if you are interested. By you purchasing any of these cards, you are supporting my work as well as helping me make room for new artwork. Thank you!